Estd. 2023

The idea of forming the Society of Physical Chemistry (SoPhyC) was conceived with the aim of bringing together the experimental and theoretical physical chemists of both India and the world under one umbrella. Despite the need voiced by many of the practitioners, especially the younger students and colleagues, India did not have a forum exclusively dedicated to the realm of Physical Chemistry, although such platforms existed for a long time for organic, inorganic and materials chemistry. Hence to cross-fertilize ideas, discuss new research findings, keep abreast among the ever-changing research developments, SoPhyC aims at providing the much-needed platform that all physical chemists need and desire. 

The stated goal of the society, thus, is to augment the activities pertaining to all forms of physical chemistry through discussion meetings and conferences, both in-person and online, exchange of views through establishment of preprint libraries, meetings of local chapters and mentoring of young students and faculty by reaching out to local schools and colleges.

SoPhyC Conferences:

The inaugural SoPhyC conference was organised during 29-31 October 2023 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India. 

We cordially invite you and your group members to participate in the second Physical Chemistry Symposium (SoPhyC-2024), to be held in Victor Menezes Convention Center (VMCC), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay during October 22-25, 2024.

Further detail is available at the symposium website: Click Here

The symposium comprises invited lectures and posters by faculty members and scientists as well as posters by students and junior researchers. 

In order to plan the symposium, we request all prospective participants, including faculty members and scientists, to fill the pre-registration form and upload their abstracts as early possible using the following link: Pre-Registration 

We hope that these conference will act as catalyst to invigorate Physical Chemistry through interactions and discussions.